Useful Contacts

Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan improves the lives of people affected by cancer locally. They provide practical, medical, emotional and financial support and push for better cancer care. Cancer affects us all. We can all help. We are Macmillan in Hertfordshire.

Telephone: 0300 1000 200


Bupa Dental Care - Bolsover

Bupa Dental Care Bolsover is located in the heart of the village of Bolsover, near Chesterfield, Derbyshire. We offer a wide range of dental services for NHS and private patients, including private emergency appointments. We also accept referrals from other dentists.

For non-emergency telephone: 01246 822 348


Derbyshire Law Society

The main role of the society is to support the profession locally.  The Society offers training, social events and represents members’ interests. The Society is able to help members of the public.

  • Finding a local solicitor with a particular specialism.
  • Tracing a solicitor or firm where there has been a change of name, merger or closure.

Telephone: 0800 707 6990 or 01246 550 674


Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service

Derbyshire’s fire and rescue service are here to make Derbyshire a safer place to live, work and visit.


Safe and Well visits for vulnerable and fire risk clients NE Derbyshire/Chesterfield/Bolsover.

Telephone: 01246 223 500

Derbyshire Police

Get the latest crime statistics and advice, help us with appeals for information and find out what we’re doing to tackle crime in your area.

Non Emergency: 101 

Emergency Only: 999


Call Derbyshire

Adult services and child services.

Telephone: 01629 533 190

Home from Hospital Support

6 weeks support with shopping, key safes, bills.

Telephone: 01283 817 417

Derbyshire Unemployed workers centre

They are a busy advice service covering North and East Derbyshire. They have 8 staff and over 20 volunteers and students providing Welfare Rights Advice Services.

They offer a mixture of open door drop-in and telephone advice. They provide free and independent welfare rights advice and representation, as well as campaigning for the rights of those who are unemployed, on a low income or sick, injured or disabled by their work.

Telephone: 01246 231 441 
